Let’s just say 2020 hasn’t been the year people has been expecting. From country-wide fires to earthquakes to pandemics to murder hornets; what was supposed to be a fresh start is turning into a fresh hell for most people. And the last thing people really want to read about is travel when most of us can’t leave or tiny shoebox apartments. This is a big reason I have taken such a hiatus from my blog.
But in a world of such turmoil and doom and gloom, it has sparked some interesting creations and art projects. I am someone who lives to travel. Being stuck in one place has been really hard for me. At this point last year I was living on a different continent and planning my summer vacation with my family and already had my Jordan and Egypt trip planned with my friends for October. Oh how naive I was.
During quarantine, I have thrown myself into a routine of work, teach, eat, somewhat sleep, study French and repeat – that has been my life for the past three months. But I have become grouchier and grouchier not leaving my apartment and not traveling. Not having something to look forward or to plan anything has been affecting many aspects of my life. I am a drifting soul and when I cannot wander I am lost.
I am also not really a creative person artistically – that was my mom (and is my sister). But, I love a good pun, I love photos, and I love to travel. And this is where My Quarantine Abroad (or Where in the Apartment is Erin? – a play on Carmen San Diego) came about.
This little photo excursion rejuvenated me and helped me come alive again. I was able to find some of my tchotchkes and souvenirs I have bought over the years, as well as clothes, postcards, knickknacks, etc. I was able to get some ideas from my friends, family, colleagues who loved the idea (thank you!). And, it helped break up my routine of work, eat, study, and sleep. I hope you have as much fun touring the world of my apartment as I did and I hope this helps you travel your own house and spark creativity!

For me Europe is ALWAYS a good idea! After a long flight from the US, I was exhausted so first stop was:

It wasn’t as peaceful as I wanted and I needed to clean up a bit, so next I headed to Scotland’s neighbor for some:

After some much needed rest, relaxation cider and beer, I needed a wardrobe change:

But as you can see that also lead to Polish vodka, and I somehow wound up on the:

I needed a detox. Some fresh air would do me good, so decided to go visit the cold. I was:

Phew! Now that I was back on track, things were kind of warming up – it was May after all. Next stop:

As much as it pains me to leave Europe my tourist visa was expiring but I had to make one last pitstop in one of my favorite places:

Au revoir Europe, hello Middle East! Where have I spent most of my time during quarantine? Well Bedinburgh, but also:

And I can tell you where I definitely have NOT spent enough time 🙁 the COVID – 19 (pounds) is real my friends.

I have officially hit rock bottom around week 97 of quarantine, please no judgement. My travels took me to Jordan:

And I knew it was time that I needed to make the jump over to Asia to save my liver and soul! Like many I have spent a lot of time trying new recipes:

And also to do a lot of reflecting:

Which is when I decided to go to South America, where I may have relapsed, but when in quarantine what else is there really to do?

And now they are saying things may be opening and maybe we can go out but what if I don’t what to?

To those who have been affected by COVID-19, to those working tirelessly on the frontline, to those who have been left without a job, are working from home, and suffering from depression, anxiety, sadness, and anything else – we are all in this together. I know we never expected this and it may take longer than we expect to recover and we may never get back to normal, but you are not alone. I hope this quick, (hopefully) fun read helped you forget for a few minutes about what is going on. It helped me let down my guard and forget and enjoy a few minutes each day, and I hope you can find those few minutes.
A huge thank you to my dad, sister, Christie, and Betsy for their inspiration and puns! As well as to Havvah, Amanda, and Danielle for letting me send them these every day to gauge their reactions.
A few honorable mention places not featured: Buenos ‘Air’es Conditioner, ‘Dresser’den Germany, Ant’Attic’a (because I don’t have an Attic!). But hey maybe we will see those later. 🙂
This whole project has really given me life. Glad you finally turned it into a post!