As I mentioned in my first ever Postcards to Nowhere, I collected my first postcard on my first every trip to France. I bought them to send to my family, which I did. However, that was probably the first and last trip I actually went through with sending postcards. Oops. I just didn’t have time to find the post office or stamps when I was traveling…that’s my story and I am sticking to it. Now I have hundreds and hundreds of postcards, but what to do with them? Besides decorate my room, now I will be showing you postcards from my travels and little stories that have to do with them.
Paris is my second love, second only to Chicago. When I visited with my high school class, I knew I was going to live there one day. Sure enough, I got to study in Paris my junior year of college. I am SO fortunate for this experience, as it really shaped me to be the independent woman I am today. One of my schools was located a ten minute walk from Notre Dame (rough life!). I remember walking there once or more a week with my friends when we only had morning classes. We would usually get a crepe at the stand next to school, walk through the Luxembourg gardens which were across from my school, then slowly make our way to Notre Dame.
Seeing as Notre Dame is a very tourist spot, there are loads of little souvenir shops. WE LOVED THESE SHOPS. I seriously think I bought a lifetime supply of scarves at these stores. 5 Euros for “pashmina” scarves?! SOLD. I will take every color, thanks. Cue to me making my family bring an extra suitcase when they came to visit me to pack all my souvenirs. Oops.
It was one of these days nearing the end of the semester while visiting the shops with my friends that I had a brilliant idea. I was going to get postcards. But I was going to get as many postcards as I could with the Eiffel tower so I could make a Postcard Eiffel Tower of Eiffel Tower postcards! Say that ten times fast. 🙂 I could just picture it now, taking up my wall and I could not wait! I didn’t get enough with pictures of the tower, but I had enough of Paris in general. As of now, this tower has been created in Champaign, USA, Lyon, France, Hong Kong, and now Chicago. I will keep putting up this tower for as long as I can or until I get “classy,” own a home, and design it.. Until that day, Vive la Tour Eiffel (of postcards!).