Postcards to Nowhere: Borobudur, Indonesia

Borobudur, Indonesia

Welcome to my new segment called Postcards to Nowhere! I am an avid collector of postcards, unintentionally. Since my very first trip abroad in France, I have bought postcards. When I first started collecting postcards it was honestly to try and send them to my family. I think I sent a couple to my family and then I got cheap and wouldn’t buy stamps. So…that is how my collection started! I have postcards from every single country and city I have been to except for two spots where it was impossible to find any. Now, I have a pretty impressive collection of postcards! So, each week I will be bringing you a post card from my travel with a little story about my time in that place!

Borobudur, Indonesia


First up is Borobudur in Indonesia! I had never heard of Borobudur until my good friend from Hong Kong Pete told me about it. He is such a good trip planner and we traveled throughout Asia while we taught in HK! Most people overlook the other parts of Indonesia besides Bali, but there is actually so much more. Borobudur is located in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia.

Borobudur, Indonesia

Borobudur is a World Heritage UNESCO site and has gone under major restoration in the 1970s thanks to UNESCO. It is a Mahayana Buddhist temple built in the 9th century, but no one knows by whom. It is also the largest Buddhist temple in the world! As a result, more and more tourists are coming each year – as they should, because it an awe-inspiring temple! A great way to avoid the crowds is by going on a sunrise tour. Yes, it means getting up at like 4am but it is so worth seeing the mist settle over the nearby mountains and the sun rise and cast light onto the massive temple.

I had such an amazing time at Borobudur which is why I wanted to share this postcard to nowhere! Stay tuned for more postcards and more stories!


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